Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Silver Pagoda Mountain

Silver Pagoda Mountain?

Alright, I do not have any idea what the name of the mountain is. I think the names for the pagodas are the 'silver pagodas' because Felicity describes them as les pagodes argent in her french language blog. Be that as it may, I wandered around Beijing for a few days before Felicity grabbed me and took me on a hike, climb, whatever, into the mountains north of Beijing.

We went with a hiking group that included several of Felicity's fellow students then working in Beijing. We disembarked our bus in a small village and commenced our hike through dry, occasionally terraced agricultural and orcharded lands. Most common were groves of Manchurian Walnut. Here I have a small, green inedible peach - I think?

From commencement pinnacles were visible through the morning mist. Always the eagle eye, Felicity espies the peak we are to summit.

The land has been inhabited and intensively used for generations, probably millennia and so it was common to see small shrines and temples along the way. This was only one of many.

I took a fancy to this stone mill.

It was hot and dry this day, in fact nearly every day if the locals are to be believed, and I had a touch of fatigue what with travel, age, jet-lag. So Felicity bounded in front and I lagged behind.

For the steepest stretches there were often carved granite stairways and frequent viewpoints for rest and overseeing the magnificent vistas below, far below! To the side are three NYU law classmates hamming it up, stealing an unlikely kiss!

Cascading down the granite faces were streams and at the base, pools. All of them were totally artifact so while attractive, quite unnatural. Felicity enjoys one such pool.

Then, thank gawd, we got to the summit and take a celebratory photo beside a sign that might say "no photos please".

After a few congratulatory moments we started the descent. Going down is the right way to go. Rather than grunting and sweating facing the ground immediately in front of you, you stand tall, taking in the splendid vistas as you breeze your way down the mountain side.

Some views were breathtakingly beautiful. It seems you can see forever.

Then form emerges from out of the mist below. We started to see the shape of a large open area plaza and a series of structures.

And then we are in the midst of the wonderful Silver Pagodas. Precious burial sites from dynasties past.

It was precious end to a marvelous day.

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