August - 2010
Summer has gone, September is here. These last days of summer had their bracing and blissful moments!
Early August friends from Calgary, Ann's David - the guy who got me pounding (his) guitar - wife Kerry and the kids dropped

Vanessa and Geoff dropped by one Sunday afternoon in August for a sail.
Ha! Ha! It was the windiest day in weeks. Geoff went wild clambering forward, outboard, everyplace but overboard. Sadly during a testy gust, overboard went his favorite hat.
By the

There was a nice breeze so we put Inuksuk through her paces, to the wind then down, all without event. Thats good! When sailing with Catherine and an 'event' occurs, it ends up in her n

Aha! I get to tag Catherine with this wonderful photo of her bagging blackberries.
Then August 3

Next morning Anya and I depart the relative calm of Gabriola, poking our noses into the mayhem of Georgia Strait. A full gale blowing out of the south east! We were in for a ride! Yahoo! Downwind blue rodeo!

Downwind sailing in 30 to 40 knots is fast and furious. There is spume, spray and spindrift to dampen spirits but it didn't work on me that day. After four or five hours of gale winds, waves started to gain rhythm so Anya and I got a little surfing in.

As Chrome Island came into view the winds retreated to 20 to 25 knots. Passing Ship Point, the soon to be famous home of Kerry and Carolyn's Mud Beach Golf Tournament, the winds abated further so that by the time I made Comox Harbor the storm was over and Larry, my good friend from Mexico, was standing on the dock, waiting for me to lose the flip and pay for dinner!
It was a great dinner, made even more so by Larry's obvious recovery from a nasty operation.
Thus ended August 2010!
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