Returning from Paris to Montreal is even more delightful when Jazzfest ramps up immediately upon one's arrival.

And when you can Jazzfest with some of the best practitioners of the fine art of festivalling, Trevor and Sonia, it becomes downright wonderful.

Felicity and I kicked off Jazzfest with the gala opening concert of Wynton Marsalis, now a living legend.
Trevor and Sonia then jumped into action, joining me on nightly wanderings stage to stage,

There were acrobats.

And clowns.

A very fetching lobster showed an inordinate and much appreciated interest in your humble author!

Montreal Jazz fest. What a great time in such a great city!
And what a great party!
1 comment:
What a fantastic party, indeed!
Too bad that I missed it, but there is always next year, papa!
Love you so much,
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