My departure from La Paz was hasty - health concerns about my youngest! By the time I got to the border those concerns had subsided somewhat so I decided to amble northward to Calgary then on to the island for Christmas.

Death Valley gave me pause? But I found Los Vegas impeded me more.

Reverting to form, later in a graveyard on the way through Utah, I stopped and found Great-grandfather and mother Conrad (and Bullocks) but not the Van Dams or Evans. About here my camera crapped out - at least until Christmas time.
Then it was off to Elaine's in Lethbridge and Calgary for linguini with Ed, suchi with Jennifer and a cocktail or two with CJ! Down in Pincher Creek Ron and Bonnie put me up on condition I care for George (cat) and Dude (dog).
On two days I stole away for snowboarding at Fernie, Snow Valley. The first day I got caught in a Crowsnest Pass blizzard, winds of 100 mph, and got stuck. The second day boarding was heavenly. Following was the ever-so familiar run down to the Coast and Victoria.

Christmas Day at Vanessa and Geoff's house was wonderful, what with meeting the extended family, including the nearly legendary Gma Hicks, the feast and the games. Geoff and my girls love the camera. Rightfully so I guess because the camera loves them!

There was the traditional exchange of presents. I take particular pride in my present to Verity and Felicity.

At the annual Orphan's Charity Auction in La Paz people laughed at my 140 peso bid on a sluice box. Well, I got stuck with that bid so I carried the box all the way across the western USA and Canada. If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day; if you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. So it is with gold (ergo sluice boxes). At least that is what I told my daughters.
They said they liked it!
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