Thursday, November 16, 2006


November 16

On my left is the 5 day bubble for Sergio, now a level 2 Hurricane, now headed in Anya's general direction. Reportedly this is a month after Hurricane season finishes here so the weather soothsayers- dudes are surprised. I am not leaving La Paz safe harbour until Sergio makes his move. So it looks like another week of lassitude, then off to San Carlos and the future.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Sloth and Heathen Folly!

November 13 th - La Paz

Anya has been afloat now 10 days and nights. She is happy. While happy myself, I have suffered a bad back from packing a 100 lb battery around and then throwing its 100 lb replacement away. And a tinsy tropical cold hangs on. But for these modest whines, life is wonderful and I am embracing indolence with my natural flair.

Already I can tell that La Paz will be 'sticky', a hard place to detach from. So each day I plan my escape to secluded anchorages higher up in the Sea, each night I put it off to another day.

I have made several day trips in this last bit, one to Todo Santos where I actually strolled about Hotel California, famously subject of the song. Another day I went to Los Barriles, home of winter wind surfing. Each time I stopped to pick my way into the mysterious and rich desert, to see the flowers, the birds and these exotic plants.

Each step along the way it seems the vultures keep watching, perhaps waiting for me to run out of water, to lurch and stumble, ultimately to provide them a meal.

Othertimes along the way, the cows or the goats show up to inquire about my passage.

And a snake stopped by for a little visit once, a serpent I wanted to name Harper , honouring Canada's Prime Minister, the man who has single-handedly pruned my children's future well-being with his precipitous tax law changes. Then I remembered. I like and respect snakes.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ravages of Hurricane John

November 1

Some did not do as well but Anya suffered little. In preparing for the Hurricane I neglected to take down the Canadian flag. As well I thought it might be rude to take down the Mexican courtesy flag.
Here are the remains. Canada on the left, Mexico on the right. These tattered remnants are even worse than the flag that got decimated in that nasty storm off-coast of Oregon on my way down last year.